Kiley Dhatt

Community Roots Housing Foundation Executive Director

Kiley Dhatt oversees fundraising and communications, and supports external relations at Community Roots Housing. As Executive Director of the Community Roots Housing Foundation, Kiley manages the 501(c)(3) arm of the organization, including the Foundation Board of Directors. She works closely with staff, board, and partners to develop and execute effective fundraising and communications strategies to support the organization’s programs, general operations, community-centered real estate developments, and special initiatives. She loves knowing that her work helps to make Seattle a more inclusive, diverse, and interesting place to live. Prior to joining Community Roots Housing in 2015, Kiley came from a background in writing and education. She holds a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Washington and a master’s degree in English Composition and Rhetoric from the University of Delaware. Outside of work, Kiley can be found chasing her overactive toddler, cooking adventurously, and enjoying any scrap of sunshine in her back yard.

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