What are some of the current trends you feel are healthy and/or unhealthy for the future of the neighborhood?

What are some of the current trends you feel are healthy and/or unhealthy for the future of the neighborhood?

  • The healthy trends are the redevelopment plans around the light rail station and the mall – providing more housing options, especially affordable housing in the area near light rail and many new amenities for the neighborhood too. For unhealthy trends, increased homelessness in the area, people experiencing mental health crises, drug use, and car break ins/cars stolen/car parts stolen.
  • Healthy trends include developing affordable housing for individuals and families that need it.
  • Increased online communications via social media and community platforms I referred to in previous answers are healthy in the sense that people are reaching out and finding connection. Unhealthy – perhaps an exacerbation of the Seattle freeze, NIMBYism and tribalism – sigh – what can I say….
  • Vagrants lurking and panhandling. Filthy “homeless” camps full of drug dealing, trash, needles, rats and vermin. Petty crime, car prowls, mail stealing rampant. No street-level community policing presence. Cops just drive through in their cruisers. Extreme delays in 911 responses to car thefts and other crimes.
  • Northaven Senior Living is a great community asset there, and they’re building a new development too! Testing Testing.

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