What are your aspirations for the neighborhood over the next 10-25 years, in terms of neighborhood composition (density, demographics, transportation) and what amenities are available?

What are your aspirations for the neighborhood over the next 10-25 years, in terms of neighborhood composition (density, demographics, transportation) and what amenities are available?

  • More business pull to the north. Bridge of community to Snohomish county and towns around us in King County. High rise buildings. I believe the major is the hockey training center and the upcoming housing development. More restaurants, electric car stations, car rental locations, more entertainment in general.
  • I’m very excited about the light link rail, I think it will make the city more easily accessible, though that will probably impact the feeling of community.
  • 1) Everyone has a place to live. 2) Everyone has an affordable place to live that meets their needs. 3) We are able to grow communities that don’t depend on car usage to get to food, friends, and other needs.
  • The neighborhood becomes more like an urban neighborhood and less like a freeway interchange where fast food and gas stations are the predominant businesses. I envision an area with dense housing, shops, parks and playgrounds. People travel by foot or by bike to get groceries or visit other amenities.
  • This neighborhood has higher education, health care, library, entertainment, nature, shopping, and transportation. It has a history of innovation (Northgate Mall) – and surely opportunities to unfold through the neighborhood presence of the Kraken. It is currently known for none of these. Aim high! Don’t lose this opportunity to do much for the population of North Seattle that has been left behind.

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