Kelly Price

Kelly Price is the Co-Founder and Executive leader of a vertically integrated family of companies focused on real estate development, construction, and property management in the greater Puget Sound region. Mr. Price is the President of MainStreet Property Group LLC, a leading real estate development company, the Chief Executive Officer of GenCap Construction Corp., a

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Briana Evans

Briana Evans is a growth leader, business strategy disruptor, and innovation enthusiast. Evans has a deep background in growth initiatives, with a specialized focus on startups and technology organizations. Evans additionally enjoys her involvement in organizational development, particularly around diversity and inclusion, and for her high achievement has won awards such as Employee of the

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Josephine Wong

Josephine is the Chief Operating Officer of PolicyLink and has over 20 years of experience in effective operations and administration in organizations. Previously, she served as the Chief Financial Operating Officer at the Seattle Foundation––overseeing $1.2B in assets––where she supervised investments management, finance and administration, information technology, and human capital to achieve transformative growth and

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